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Product packaging

The packaging, transport, and shipping of our physical products serve as a tangible moment with our customers where we can make a statement and stand out. Branded packaging is not only used for commercial shipping, it’s also carried by our sales teams to transport products directly to customers.

From product labels and samples boxes to finished goods cartons, the brand application to our packaging serves as an important customer touchpoint that reinforces our visual brand during the delivery of our modular carpet tiles and resilient flooring products.


Adhesive labels are applied to the back of flooring tiles to provide important information on the product.

Shipping boxes

Our products are shipped around the globe in high quality, branded cardboard boxes. Samples and finished goods are both tangible moments for our customer and the utmost care is taken when packing and transporting our products.


Sample boxes


Sample tiles are clearly labelled as such and may come in smaller sizes depending on the sample in question.

Finished goods boxes


Finished goods boxes provide directions to installation instructions.

Return bags

Our Sample Return bags help us close the loop on the carpet sampling process. Through our InterCircle Sample Return program, sample materials stay out of the landfill and are re-used as samples until it is time to recycle them into new carpet. By reducing sample production material and diverting old materials from the landfill, we can reduce our overall environmental footprint.